At least six separate Sara And Hoppity books were published between 1960 and 1962. The first of these, Sara And Hoppity and Sara And Hoppity Make New Friends, provide the basis for the television series and at least five of the episodes. A further two, Sara And Hoppity Get Lost and Sara And Hoppity Find A Cat, appeared the following year and presented two more complete stories, whereas the earlier ones were reasonably episodic in presentation.
Another title, a DM (Daily Mirror) mini-book entitled Meet Sara and Hoppity, also appeared in 1961. This presented five further adventures which, like the first two books, featured stories with themes that reappeared in the television series.
A final (as far as is known) book called The Big Book Of Sara and Hoppity, also by Daily Mirror Books, was published in 1962. It is thought to be a complilation of the four main books but no details are known at this time.

All the books were illustrated by Marion Wilson in a wonderfully child-like style, complimenting the straight-forward prose that came as close to capturing how a young girl like Sara would view the world as was possible. These must have made the books quite appealing to the young readers. The most literal example of this is in Sara and Hoppity Make New Friends, where Sara's experience of shopping is wonderful with Daddy as he carries her so she can see on the shelves. But when with Mummy, obviously too weighed down with the shopping, all she sees is legs!
Where the books score more admirably over the televised episodes (admittedly only one example of which has been seen) is that it is never clear whether it is Hoppity who is misleading Sara, or if Sara is actually naughty and simply blaming Hoppity. In Sara and Hoppity Make New Friends, it even does go so far as to ask the reader "Do you believe Hoppity told Sara what to do, or do you think Sara was only pretending?" In the series, it would appear this distinction is lost as it is more difficult to attribute character to the doll visually than it is in prose. The discriptive line of his eyes "gleaming greener than grass, shinier than water" say more of the possible nature of the 'goblin toy', than the winding up and 'tiddlee-tum, tiddlee-tee' speech ever could.
Sara and Hoppity Find A Cat also shows a departure from the format of the series, by introducing Toffee the kitten, who becomes Sara's pet. In the series the pet is Shaggy the dog, who is likewise found and adopted by the Brown family. Whether this was due to it being easier to have a puppet dog with some element of realism (unlike Footso in The Adventures of Twizzle) isn't known but Toffee continues to appear in Meet Sara and Hoppity, being almost as adept at unwitting mayhem as the mischievous Hoppity himself!
In all, the Sara and Hoppity books highlight Roberta Leigh's ability to get at the heart and mind of childhood, and submit it to prose. Everything is so true to life, even after forty years, and as someone who also grew up in the 1960s, they strike a chord. Standing alone from the toy-centric worlds of Twizzle or Torchy, or the futurism of Space Patrol, they remain her most human and accessible of stories to children.

Book 1
Sara and Hoppity
Published 1960 by Pelham Books
Illustrated by Marion Wilson
On Monday, the sky was blue. Mummy wants Sara to go out and play in the sun but Sara lives in a Toy Hospital and prefers to play inside. All manner of people bring toys here to be mended.
Hearing the shop bell, Sara rushes in from the garden to see an old man with a bald head holding a red velvet bag. Inside is the dirtiest doll ever, with no hair, no clothes and a leg missing. Only the eyes, gleaming greener than grass, shinier than water, make it attractive. The old man tells Sara the doll can dance but he has lost the key, and the Goblins made it all dirty and left it in a Goblin Ring. It must be a magic toy, Sara decides, and she will tell Mummy to be careful mending it. But the old man wants to sell the doll, which he calls Hoppity, and Sara wants him. Neither Mummy nor Daddy will buy the dirty old toy for her, so Sara goes up to the attic where Miss Julie makes clothes for the Toy Hospital. Even she will not buy a toy found in a Goblin Ring, and Sara has to use her only sixpence to get Hoppity.

The next morning, before anyone else is awake, Sara fills a basin of water in the bathroom and cleans Hoppity. In the work-room, Sara decides to give Hoppity new red cheeks but the paint gets everywhere. Sad, she tells Mummy who is cross at first because Sara bought the doll but soon changes her mind. First Hoppity is given scarlet cheeks and cherry-red lips, and then some of Sara's own red hair. In a drawer of spare toy legs, Mummy finds a new leg but it is too short. Sara takes the repaired toy to Miss Julie to clothe, and the old lady recognises the Goblin Toy from its green eyes. But she does give Hopity a green jersey and black and white striped trousers that once belonged to a golliwog. Daddy has lof spare toy keys, and one is found that fits, allowing Hoppity to be would up to dance and sing "Tiddley-tum, tiddley-tee, diddley-dum, diddley-dee... "
Sara takes Hoppity everywhere with her now, and he is a good toy. Until the day Aunt Matilda came to tea...

Sara doesn't like Aunt Matilda, but Mummy makes her sit in her small armchair in the sitting room in her party dress when she visits. Aunt Matilda takes an instant dislike to Hoppity and tells Sara she is too big for toys. Mummy tells Sara to take Aunt Matilda's new hat and put it safely on the bed, which she does before setting the table for tea. But Hoppity thinks it would be nice if there were some flowers on the table - just like the ones on Aunt Matilda's hat! In pulling the roses and daisies from the hat, it falls to pieces completely. But Sara hides the remains and puts the flowers in a glass vase on the table. Mummy is proud of Sara for setting the table but Aunt Matilda is furious when she recognises the flowers from her hat. Sara is sent to bed in disgrace but Daddy brings some jelly and cream for her - as he is sure she's sorry now.
Miss Julie has a surprise for Sara. She has made a Hoppity Apron for Sara to carry the toy around in. She is so happy with it. She climbs onto her chair for lunch, to find it is Spinach and Poached Egg, which she hates! Sara pushes the plate away, and is told if she does not eat it now she will get it for tea and supper until she does! Sara says she will only eat it if it is on a Hoppity Plate, like her apron, not thinking she will get one. But Mummy paints Hoppity on a plate to give Sara the spinach and egg for tea! Because Mummy has been so kind, Sara tries very hard to eat the spinach. But Hoppity has an idea...
Mummy and Daddy sit down to tea to find Sara just finishing her spinach. Daddy gives her a hug but there is a squelch, and spinach and egg slide out of Sara's apron pocket! Sara is very naughty! Miss Julie tells Sara she should not listen to a goblin toy and Mummy and Daddy send Sara to bed. She sees Hoppity standing in the corner of her bedroom, as if he realises he has been naughty too, and forgives him.
Note: This first book provides the basis for the first episode of the Sara and Hoppity television series, as well as the episode Aunt Matilda's Hat.
Book 2
Sara and Hoppity Make New Friends
Published 1960 by Pelham Books
Illustrated by Marion Wilson

Sara is almost five, not quite old enough to go to school. When she does, she wants to take Hoppity with her so he can learn to read and write and do sums. While out in the garden by the goldfish pond, Sara is surprised when something splashes into the water. Naughty children have thrown a small bag of rubbish over the wall.. Hoppity thinks it would be a good idea to tell the children off so Sara climbs the tree to see over the wall. But she gets stuck and has to be rescued by Daddy - who is not very pleased!
The next day, Sara is playing on her swing when an apple core comes over the wall and hits her on the nose! Hoppity has another idea and Sara gets her tricycle from the tool shed, riding it down the garden path and out the gate to the school playground next door!
The boys and girls tease little Sara and Hoppity is taken from her. The bell rings, and the children line up in the playground, leaving Sara to be found by the teacher. A boy called Jimmy tells the teacher she is Sara Brown from down the road, and Sara is sent home in tears without Hoppity. Daddy is angry she went out of the garden by herself but Mummy promises to make her a new toy. Sara is so sad she doesn't eat her lunch or tea. The doorbell rings. It is Jimmy, who has found Hoppity for her and returned him. Sara is so pleased, she invites her new friend Jimmy to tea.

One morning, a letter arrives for Sara. It is from Jimmy, who has broken his leg and is in hospital. His mum is working and he would like Sara to visit and bring a jigsaw as he is lonely. Sara wants to take him a sewing set but Mummy says boys don't like sewing. What do they like? Sara wonders, and Hoppity tells her...
That afternoon, Mummy takes Sara to get some fruit for Jimmy on the way to hospital. In an enormous room full of beds, they find Jimmy, who will be able to go home on Saturday. Sara has brought Jimmy a surprise - a goldfish. Jimmy tells Sara it is dead, to which Sara replies Hoppity said it wil be alright if you put it back in water. But Hoppity is wrong, and Sara bursts into tears. Hoppity face is wet too, but Mummy says it is just water from the dead goldfish. Sara thinks he is upset and sorry too...

Saturday is Big Shopping Day. Sara likes shopping with Daddy as he carries her and she can see all the counters. But shopping with Mummy, all she can see is people's legs! In Woolworths, it is worst of all as it is so busy! Sara sees a kitten playing and chases it down a flight of stairs where she finds open boxes of lots of broken toys that nobody wants. Hoppity has an idea, and Sara fills her basket with as many as possible. Back in the shop, her worried Mummy asks where she got all the toys from, and says Sara must take them back to the manager. But when Sara explains that Mummy and Daddy own a Toy Hospital, and can mend them for the children in hospital, he thinks it a good idea and agrees. Boxes and boxes of toys are delivered to the Toy Hospital and for five whole days, Mummy, Daddy and Miss Julie mend them. On Friday, a letter arrives from the hospital to invite them all to a party. Jimmy is there, with his leg in plaster, and Sara is allowed to present the toys to the girls and boys. Pictures are taken for the local paper, with Sara saying it was all Hoppity's idea. And Hoppity becomes the first toy to become a member of the WVS - Women's Voluntary Service!
This second book provides the basis for the second episode of the television series Hoppity Is Stolen, as well as the episodes Sara's Friend Has An Accident and Sara and the Broken Toys.
It is revealed in this book that Sara is four, and does not yet attend school.
The mention of Woolworths is quite interesting, in that it was a real chain of shops but may have been chosen as one of the few shops known in the UK, Australia and America, i.e. countries where the books were published.
Book 3
Sara and Hoppity Get Lost
Published 1961 by Pelham Books
Illustrated by Marion Wilson
Also published as Sara et Clopinet Partent à L'Aventure in 1961 by Lausanne

A dog runs off with Hoppity and Sara, chasing after it, becomes lost. She and Hoppity have lots of adventures as they explore the beach and the people there, before being found and taken home.
This book implies that the toy hospital where Sara lives cannot be too far from the seaside.
It bears no similarity to the episode of the same name in the television series, which concerns Sara and Hoppity getting locked in a shop overnight.
Book 4
Sara and Hoppity Find a Cat
Published 1961 by Pelham Books
Illustrated by Marion Wilson
Also published as Sara Et Clopinet Trouvé Un Chat in 1961 by Lausanne
See page Sara and Hoppity Find A Cat

Book 5
Meet Sara and Hoppity
Published 1961 by Daily Mirror Books
Illustrated by Marion Wilson
This tiny book measuring 12cm x 12cm, cost 2s 6d when it was published. It contains five short stories about Sara and Hoppity.

Story 1 – Sara Makes a Cake
It is raining, which makes it an inside day. That morning, Sara helps Daddy and Mummy, and then Miss Julie as they mend, paint and dress the toys in the hospital. At lunchtime, Mummy and Daddy praise Sara for being a good girl. That, she tells them, is because she left Hoppity in her bedroom. In the afternoon, Mummy is going to bake a cake and asks Sara to help her. Excited, Sara goes to get her apron from her bedroom but Hoppity wants to help her so she pops him in the apron pocket on the condition he is good. Sara wants to make a currant cake and Mummy says she can add the currants. Hoppity want to see so Sara takes him out and props him against the milk bottle.

Mummy suddenly realises she hasn't lit the oven and goes looking for the matches, which Daddy has taken for his cigarettes. While she is gone, Hoppity points to a large box of blue powder by the sink. Thinking that Mummy would like a blue cake, Sara adds two large tablespoons to the cake mix but is disappointed when it stays the same colour. Mummy returns with six packets of matches Daddy had, and is surprised to see a box of soap powder on the table. Sara says she thought it was blue flour and is too scared to tell Mummy what she has done. At teatime, Sara wonders what the cake tastes like but it is Miss Julie who tries it first. All are surprised when she starts to blow bubbles and froth at the mouth! As Miss Julie rushes out to get some water, Mummy thinks she must have used the soap powder instead of sugar. But Sara admits to Hoppity telling her to do it. Mummy is angry but Sara says she did not know it was soap because she can not read yet. Miss Julie hears, and forgives her because a blue cake would have been pretty. But next time they will use proper blue colouring...
This story bears some similarities to the episode Sara and Hoppity Bake A Cake.
Story 2 – Sara Gets Into Trouble

Another rainy day and Sara wants to bring Toffee, her ginger kitten, in from the tool shed in the garden. But Toffee is on the garden swing, and all wet! Sara carries him through the shop and upstairs to the kitchen, where Mummy towels him until soft and fluffy as a ball of wool. While Toffee has some warm milk, Sara fetches Hoppity and goes to help Miss Julie. But things go horribly wrong with Toffee catching his claws in the material and Sara knocking over a vase of roses.
It gets worse when trying to help Daddy when she trips over Toffee and splits a bag of sawdust. And when Sara goes to help Mummy, Toffee knocks over a pot of red paint and walks in it, leaving a trail of paw prints everywhere! Mummy finally catches him and goes to wash his paws. Trying to make amends, Sara finds a cloth and starts to clean up the paint and has nearly finished when Mummy returns. But Sara herself is now covered in paint! It will take hours for Mummy to ge the paint out of Sara's clothes, and the poor girl is bathed and sent to her bedroom to put clean clothes on.
This story indicates this book comes after Sara and Hoppity Find A Cat, in which Toffee is first found.
Story 3 – Sara Dresses Up
In her bedroom, feeling sorry for herself, Sara dresses. Toffee goes to sleep but Hoppity suggests playing dressing up. Sara only has her own clothes for dressing in but Hoppity dances over to the bedroom door. With a dozing Toffee under one arm and Hoppity in the other, Sara goes into Mummy's bedroom to dress in her clothes! First, she pulls down Mummy's blue woollen dress but a scarf also falls down and Toffee plays with it. Then Sara tries on Mummy's best nylon nightdress. But then she tries on Mummy's special party dress - pink net with a frilly skirt, and her pink satin high heeled shoes. But then... CRRK! Sara steps on the trailing dress and tears it, just as Mummy comes in. Angry, Mummy gets her to take off the clothes and sends her to bed. Sara fetches up Hoppity and gets him to promise to be good, which he will be... for a little while.
Story 4 – Sara Makes Mud Pies
The sun shines on Sara's pillow for a new morning, and being sunny Sara is sent to play outside, which she does not like. With Toffee chasing fish around the goldfish pond, Sara winds up Hoppity who dances off arond the side of the house. She finds him face down in a puddle of mud, and tries to clean him off in the goldfish pond but Hoppity dances off and dives in the mud again!

Sara puts her finger in the mud and finding it delightfully soft and squishy, gets her bucket and spade from the tool shed to make mud pies. Sara, Toffee and Hoppity are having so much fun they don't even notice it is raining again until Mummy calls them in. Absolutely black with mud, Sara and Hoppity are undressed and bathed, while Toffee (as pussy cats do not like water) is wiped with a damp cloth. Wet and not herself from bathing Sara, Mummy goes to tidy herself up then notices her gold brooch is missing! Thinking she may have lost it shopping this morning, Mummy goes to look for it while Sara and Hoppity are sent to her bedroom.
Story 5 – Mummy's Lost Brooch
Hoppity wants to make more mud pies but they can not because there isn't any in the bedroom. He tells Sara to get some and bring it up to the bedroom. A bucket of lovely squelchy mud is brought from the garden but no matter how careful Sara is, Toffee jumps on her back and makes her knock it over! Mud goes everywhere! Mummy returnns, having not found her brooch. Daddy tells her Sara has been very good and quiet, and goes to play with her and cheer her up. But he finds a dreadful mess! Sara is hiding behind the curtain, but on being found tells Daddy it was Toffee's fault! He and Sara decide to clean it all up before Mummy sees it. As they do, a large lump of dried mud cracks open to reveal Mummy's lost brooch! Sara tells Daddy it was Hoppity's idea, but as the brooch is found Sara won't get into trouble - this time.
This story bears some similarities to the episode Mummy Loses Her Ring
Book 6
The Big Book of Sara and Hoppity
Published 1961 by Daily Mirror Books
(92 printed pages)
Illustrated by Marion Wilson